G9 Focus

Displaying 1 - 7 of 7
Guitar Nine

Get the most out of your home or project studio with these tricks and tips.

April-May 2021
Guitar Nine

Dozens of articles on the subject of scales, scale patterns, scale connection and more.

February-March 2021
Guitar Nine

A wealth of information about chords and chord progressions for you to learn and master.

December-January 2020
Guitar Nine

A good guitar riff drives the song, and is often one of the most memorable parts of the tune.

October-November 2020
Guitar Nine

Tell a story with your music by the way you phrase notes on guitar.

August-September 2020
Guitar Nine

The word chromatic in music means two or more consecutive notes that are a half step from one another.

June-July 2020
Guitar Nine

The term arpeggios on guitar means to play chord tones (the notes of a chord) one note at a time.

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