Guitar Technique

Displaying 133 - 144 of 751
June-July 2018
Chris Byrd

Deepen your knowledge of the Minor Pentatonic scale, free yourself from the “5 boxes slavery”, expand your phrasing vocabulary and stimulate your creativity.

June-July 2018
Tommaso Zillio

Learning to use musical form will help you "cast" an idea into an entire song.

June-July 2018
Luca Sellitto

Deepen your knowledge of the Minor Pentatonic scale, free yourself from the “5 boxes slavery”, expand your phrasing vocabulary and stimulate your creativity.

April-May 2018
Roland Nipp

How to use your 'dead time' tp maximum advantage.

April-May 2018
James Rosocha

Rosocha teaches permutations - altered scale shapes based on fretboard position.

April-May 2018
Mike Campese: The Fire Within

Gaining fluency with triad arpeggios will help your soloing and rhythm playing.

April-May 2018
Simon Candy

Play great songs such as “Landslide”, "Dust In The Wind" and "The Boxer".

April-May 2018
Tommaso Zillio

Tommaso delves into guitar solo harmonies - they are not as hard as they look.

February-March 2018
Tommaso Zillio

Take you guitar playing to the next level with Tommaso's best advice for the intermediate player.

February-March 2018
Simon Candy

Slide guitar offers a very cool and unique sound that cannot be emulated any other way.

February-March 2018
Tom Hess Opus 2

Anyone (including yourself) can learn to develop creativity by using the proven methods and strategies for reaching this goal.

February-March 2018
Mark Woodburn

Mark covers the essential picking styles new guitarists need to learn (or at least be familiar with).


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