Teye Gypsy Queen Ghostback

From the master builders at the Teye factory in the heart of Music City USA comes the Ghostback line of the highly coveted Gypsy Queens. True to the unyielding Teye spirit, the Ghostbacks are all hand built in Nashville TN featuring the highest quality components any guitar player could desire. The Teye Gypsy Queen Ghostback takes the best of the best and adds it to it with a beautiful engraved plate in the style where Victorian meets old school traditional tattoo. Add a retro styled body with a modern twist and the Teye magic "MOJO circuit" and you've got a guitar unrivaled by even the most talented luthiers on the market.

As with any extraordinary handmade guitar, the craftsmanship can be seen in the work. While many mass produced guitars appear as a cookie cutter piece of wood off the shelf, the Teye's hand built and custom designed guitars show the intricacies and character expected from a truly beautiful handmade guitar.