Home Studio Registry: David Davis

Future plans/projects

I am currently upgrading from Tascam 4trk to Sony digital 4trk. I am writing for my first solo recording. I am planning to mix instrumentals with vocal songs. I will initally release this recording as a cassette to sponsor the CD mass production.


Ibananez 540, Ibanex VTC-640MD Talman Custom, Fender P 5 string, Takamine acustic, 1961 Melody Maker Custom.


Alesis SR-16


Lexicon Reflex, Didgitech 128, and assorted guitar pedals.


Sure SM-57 E/V N/D257


Mackie 1202-VLZ

Tape decks

Tascam Porta II, Technics Cassett


QSC MX-700 pwr amp, Custom monitoring speakers. Koss headphones.

Music software

Cakewalk Pro for Windows

Additional notes

Willing to learn what ever it takes to make a good recording that will sell.

Primary use Secondary use
Recording Demos
Recording level MIDI level
Above average Average
Commonly work (with) Completed songs/demos/jingles
Alone 61-100