Guitar-oriented Artists with Downloads available through Apple iTunes

Displaying 501 - 600 of 1478

Click in the style column to narrow the options to a single style. Click on a flag to narrow results to a partlcular country,

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Region Artist/Band Name Style iTunessort ascending
flag Jerry Palmer Acoustic; Fingerstyle
flag Dave Celentano Electric (Heavy); Hard Rock; Shred
flag Razl Electric; Fusion
flag 61 South Electric; Blues
flag Andre Tonelli Electric (Heavy); Heavy Metal; Shred
flag Steve Trovato Electric; Country; Blues
flag Enrico Galetta Electric; Fusion; Jazz
flag Loren Middleton Electric; Fusion; Jazz
flag Theodore Ziras Electric (Heavy); Neo-Classical Metal; Shred
flag Mitch Merrett Electric; Rock; Country
flag Daddo Electric (Heavy); Heavy Metal; Progressive
flag Barish Kepic Electric (Heavy); Hard Rock
flag Gianfranco Continenza Electric; Fusion; Jazz
flag Niko Tsonev Electric (Heavy); Hard Rock; Progressive
flag Garsed/Helmerich Electric; Fusion
flag Ty Oliver Electric (Heavy); Hard Rock
flag C. J. Hutchins Electric; Rock
flag Leon Muhudinov Acoustic; Classical; Pop
flag Jose Del Rio Electric (Heavy); Shred; Neo-Classical Metal
flag Cosmics Electric (Heavy); Heavy Metal; Progressive
flag Guy Lee Electric; Rock
flag WenLin Electric (Heavy); Hard Rock; Jungle
flag Kermheat Electric (Heavy); Shred
flag Yener Korkut Acoustic; World; Fusion
flag Howland/Howland Electric (Heavy); Fusion; Rock
flag Barry Finnerty Electric; Fusion; Jazz
flag Mckay Tebbs Electric; Rock; Jazz
flag Errorhead Electric; Rock; Electronica
flag Dean Cascione Electric (Heavy); Neo-Classical Metal; Shred
flag Emir Hot Electric (Heavy); Heavy Metal; World
flag Tomo Fujita Electric; Fusion; Funk
flag Tomo Fujita & Blue Funk Electric; Fusion
flag Technical Info Electric; Fusion
flag Marco Sfogli Electric (Heavy); Hard Rock; Shred
flag Alberto Rigoni Electric (Heavy); Fusion; Rock
flag Gary Meyers Acoustic; Flamenco
flag Leandro Chernicharo Electric; Progressive; New Age
flag Tommy Ermolli Electric (Heavy); Hard Rock; Shred
flag Steve Langemo Electric (Heavy); Fusion; Jazz
flag Oliver White Group Electric (Heavy); Hard Rock; Blues
flag Michael Silvestri Acoustic; Classical
flag Geoffe Hein & Frozen Ghost Electric (Heavy); Heavy Metal; Hard Rock
flag Test Tube Rhino Electric (Heavy); Hard Rock
flag Sakis Zachariades Electric; Fusion; Jazz
flag Silver Mountain Electric (Heavy); Neo-Classical Metal; Heavy Metal
flag Joshua Walker Electric; Jazz
flag Serane/Boutinaud Electric (Heavy); Progressive; Hard Rock
flag Workshop Electric (Heavy); Progressive; Hard Rock
flag Greg Howe Electric (Heavy); Progressive; Shred
flag Howe/Wooten/Chambers Electric (Heavy); Fusion; Shred
flag Michael Orlando Electric (Heavy); Hard Rock; Shred
flag Mike Orlando Electric (Heavy); Hard Rock; Shred
flag Jay Parmar Electric (Heavy); Hard Rock
flag Metro Electric; Fusion
flag Stoney Curtis Band Electric (Heavy); Blues; Rock
flag Nick Kellie Band Electric; Fusion; Jazz
flag Jacobs Ladder Electric (Heavy); Shred; Progressive
flag Liona Maria Boyd Acoustic; World; Flamenco
flag Liona Boyd Acoustic; Classical
flag Greg Meckes Electric (Heavy); Hard Rock; Fusion
flag Greg Meckes Band Electric; Fusion
flag Gianluca Ferro Electric (Heavy); Shred; Heavy Metal
flag Palace Terrace Electric (Heavy); Neo-Classical Metal; Shred
flag Angel Of Eden Electric (Heavy); Heavy Metal; Neo-Classical Metal
flag Alex Argento Electric (Heavy); Fusion; Progressive
flag Tyson Graf Electric (Heavy); Hard Rock; Rock
flag Kotzen/Howe Electric (Heavy); Fusion; Shred
flag Catherine Delgadillo Electric; Fusion; Progressive
flag Miguel Mega Electric; Fusion
flag Tony Spinner Electric (Heavy); Hard Rock; Blues
flag Onesko Bogert Ceo Project Electric (Heavy); Hard Rock; Blues
flag Scarlet Runner Electric (Heavy); Hard Rock; Blues
flag Blindside Blues Band Electric (Heavy); Blues; Hard Rock
flag Moe Greene Specials Electric; Surf; Rock
flag Neil Citron Electric (Heavy); Hard Rock
flag Citron Electric (Heavy); Hard Rock
flag Bill Palmer Electric (Heavy); Rock; Jazz
flag Soft Works Electric; Fusion
flag Nordal Twang Electric; Fusion; Jazz
flag Tolis Zavaliaris Project Electric; Jazz; World
flag Jamie Robertson Electric; Rock; Progressive
flag Heavy Guitars Electric (Heavy); Heavy Metal; Shred
flag Throne Of Serpents Electric (Heavy); Heavy Metal; Shred
flag Seree Lee Electric (Heavy); Hard Rock; Shred
flag J.A. Allen Electric (Heavy); Hard Rock
flag Bill DeTucci Electric (Heavy); Hard Rock; Rock
flag Blotted Science Electric (Heavy); Heavy Metal; Shred
flag Paul Humble Electric; Rock; New Age
flag Jose De Castro Electric (Heavy); Hard Rock; Fusion
flag Marco Iacobini Electric (Heavy); Hard Rock; Shred
flag Presenter Electric; Classical
flag Peter Autschbach Electric; Fusion; Jazz
flag Spastic Ink Electric (Heavy); Progressive; Heavy Metal
flag Tony Baena Electric (Heavy); Neo-Classical Metal; Shred
flag Ron Jarzombek Electric (Heavy); Heavy Metal; Shred
flag Nebojsa Buhin Electric; Rock; Blues
flag Doug Johns Electric; Funk; Fusion
flag Esseness Project Electric (Heavy); Progressive; Heavy Metal
flag Tristan Klein Electric (Heavy); Shred; Hard Rock
flag Doug Rappoport Electric (Heavy); Shred; Hard Rock
